What Parents Are Saying About Unstuck
“Having something like this and giving me something that I can use to immediately work with my son and see improvement is life changing.”
“I have done the classroom trainings and I found this [online] much more helpful… I could stop and start when I wanted to, I could go back and forth and it gave examples that were beneficial. They didn’t have to be exactly like mine [my child] is but they were helpful.”
“I found everything very helpful but at different times. I read the whole book and did the entire course. Being able to go back to certain modules was very useful. I may not have taken something from a module the first time I saw it but being able to go back to those resources and change things out based on the difficulties my child was having was really useful.”
“I like the variety…I love the modules. They were enjoyable. It wasn’t like, “oh no I have to do another module.” I liked it most on my iPad and I was able to work out on the elliptical while doing the modules. For some parents that are busy and trying to get everything done, I was able to pay attention and work out at the same time which was nice.”
“For my son it is hard to calm him down in the moment, but I showed him the flow chart about a ruined day or Plan B and it really stuck in his mind."
“I learned how words are important with your child and a lot of times I struggle with finding the right words to use with my child. Like for example getting on the bus to go to school, how that’s a no choice situation but also asking him how he can be more comfortable in this situation…. This [program] is like a whole new language.”
“I felt like having phrases for a number of things and ones that my son can remember is so helpful. They just become phrases that we use in my family and with my other sons. When you have a child who has ASD, behavior is usually a symptom and there is something else going on and being able to have a shared language with people at school that puts everyone on the same page makes such a huge difference. It is a relief to feel like we are communicating so much more effectively than before. I am still trying to figure out some of the language professionals use but when we use UOT language it is so satisfying to know that me and professionals and my child all understand each other.”
“I am more a visual learner and I really liked the videos. I am a morning person and was able to carve out time in the morning to watch the videos.”