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Welcome to the Unstuck and On Target Program, an interactive e-­learning course for parents to support executive functioning and behavior regulation in children with executive function challenges. The dynamic e-learning platform systematically intermixes didactic instruction (for introduction, definition, and description of concepts) with hands-on interactive exercises (for exploration of, practice with, and application of learned concepts).

Unstuck and On Target Program works with the parent book: Solving Executive Function Challenges and school intervention program Unstuck and On Target! 

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Unstuck consists of 10 modules. Each module teaches different skills, such as building flexibility, identifying feelings, and coping with triggers.

In addition to didactic elements, each lesson includes interactive activities, quizzes, and games, giving participants opportunities to test out what they have just learned.

Finally, activities provide structured ways to visualize and plan for how these skills can be applied to help maintain a healthy, positive lifestyle.

About the Software Developers
Since 2001, 3C Institute has been building effective, user-friendly programs, services, and software applications to promote health and well-being for children, adolescents, and adults. At 3C, we collaborate with like-minded partners to apply our research-based technologies to accelerate and advance their research and intervention efforts. Our custom software services are tailored to achieve broad-scale improvement in social, emotional, and behavioral health.
About the Platform
This program is built on the powerful Dynamic e-Learning Platform (DeLP). Through more than a decade of federally-funded research, 3C Institute developed DeLP to provide unparalleled personalized, engaging, and effective e-learning programs. 3C developers work with subject matter partners to select and intermix DeLP components for didactic instruction (‘Tell me’ components), illustrative examples (‘Show me’ components), and practice opportunities (‘Let me try’ components), each customized to achieve specific learning objectives for a particular audience.
DeLP can be applied for: