An innovative online platform for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder
With interactive instructional segments and skills-reinforcing games
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An Innovative New Training Program
Busy parents don’t always have time to read a book or even go through all of the lessons offered by Unstuck and On Target. This flexible e-learning tool allows you to learn on your own time, at your own pace, the strategies and techniques pioneered by Unstuck and On Target. Learn through videos, interactive activities, printable materials, and real life examples and individualize a printable notebook that captures your child’s unique strengths and challenges.
Informed by Rigorous Research
Interactive and Engaging
A New Kind of Intervention
Proven E-Learning Platform
Proven effective, our dynamic e-learning platform provides a multimedia learning experience with opportunities for hands-on practice and feedback.
Customized Interactives
Interactive games, assessments, and practice exercises help maintain attention and engagement in e-learning.
Personalized Reports
Expert Insights
Hear from Unstuck experts, both professionals and parents that will provide further information improving your child’s engagement and flexibility .